It was a hot and somewhat humid day but over 40 Dyess We Care Team volunteers came out and endured the heat to raise money for Parents Who Care’s Project Graduation. With the help of these dedicated volunteers and Red Robin, the WCT raised just over $900.00!

Project Graduation is a community-sponsored, volunteer-run, all-night party for graduating seniors from Abilene and Cooper high schools — the night of graduation, which is Saturday, June 1. Project Graduation starts at 9 p.m. with registration, including the checking to be sure the attendee is a graduate or guest of a graduate. Purses and bags will be checked to make sure they are drug-free — including tobacco and alcohol. Each attendee receives tickets, and prizes are drawn beginning at 11 p.m., with the prize value increasing as the night continues.

The funds raised from the car wash will be utilized of the purchasing of prizes and giveaways to be given to students throughout the evening. This will be the 28th year for project graduation.

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