In 1982 several Abilene business men became aware of the need that existed at the Abilene Boys Ranch. Since most of these “Good Ole Boys” were chili cookers, it was decided that the way to raise money would be to have a chili cook off. The Chili Super Bowl was born.
Amazing transformations have happened at the Ranch since the beginning of the cook off. The Boys Ranch has since been renamed Ben Richey Boys Ranch in memory of its founder. The Ranch has grown to be able to house 34 young men who attend local school, churches and are active in the community
Friday, September 3rd – Sunday, September 5th
The Chili Super Bowl is located six miles south of Abilene on FM 89 at the Old Settlers Reunion Grounds in Buffalo Gap Texas.
Ben Richey Annual Chili Bowl Weekend
Volunteers needed Friday, September 3rd – Sunday, September 5th to sell raffle tickets, serve tea, make ice runs to the venders and… OH, yea…
SERVE AS FOOD TASTING JUDGES!! Chicken, Brisket, Ribs, Burgers, Beans and Desserts… OH MY!
All proceeds go to help good kids from bad situations! The Team Leader for this event is SrA David Fick.